Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Keep Your Job In Spite Of Obamacare & Poor Management Skill Sets

By Dylan Jones

According to one saying, "managers are born and not made" there was an innate quality that managers had since they were in the mother's womb. Essentially, it is a fact that each manager knows. According to books, a manager is not a perfect person but there are chances to be like it. Do you know the tactic? Do you know Mr. Sam Walton? If not, then you might be missing the best topic of management and style that once molded a team of employees in one particular retail store.

Serious and solid management skills and development often take years to develop Secondly it can be said in life that little is original is original and has not been done before. It both a case of imitation being the best compliment and it all comes down to application in the trenches and attention to detail. Are you familiar with K-Mart and Wal-Mart? If yes, do you know Mr. Sam Walton? Do you know his position in this retail store? Frankly, he was just a man who did nothing, but to supervised the K-MART through a voice recorder and a camera around the workplace. According to him, he did this strategy for two reasons: to checked out what the team is doing without the boss on their sight and to observed how the store function and operate as a whole. At one point, he had his tools and instruments confiscated. However, he did not produce any threat to employees, but the opposite effect is elicited. Do you know what it is?

He was then amazed about the workplace and said to the press "the management and delegation of the tasks are so impressive!" He also observed how people worked without assistance. Do you know why? It was because there was an equal delegation of work to each employee. The tasks were suitable with the personnel's' physical capabilities and abilities. When one interviewer asked him the purpose of the action, he promptly answered her with a smile "I want to know how this branch works and how great the management is." He did this for a purpose and not to pose a threat to each worker.

There are different styles of management in the book. However, being an effective manager is a learned skill. There are new innovations that soon to change the strategy of a leader while old applications are set aside. Training and great skills are needed to mold a team of personnel to become effective professionals and of course, to make them better persons in the future.

It is the key of successful business no matter what your position is. It is the basic action that a manager should do in order to prevent the words "underwork and overwork" and of course, to prevent any issue in the workplace.

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